Thursday, March 22, 2012

Converter and Ziplock

With so many hours on buses and planes, I start thinking of things I should put on this blog. On our way to Sagada, I thought it would be good to provide some tips that I should jot down so that if I ever were to do this again, I would have it recorded somewhere. Or if someone else were to travel for an extended period of time, then I would have tips ready for them.

Tip #1: Get a universal electrical adapter that is also a converter. We brought with us an electric clipper so that I can maintain my mohawk and so that Darin can shave down his head and beard. While bringing the clipper would add weight to our packs, we thought it would save us money in the long run. Well so far, it has cost us more money since the clipper only runs on 120V and it goes kinda haywire if connected to the 220V that is provided in the Philippines. So we went ot a hardware store and bought ourselves a converter. But the only one they had was kind of heavy and bulky. We bought it anyway though I am already thinking that I want to buy a smaller converter in Japan and chuck this one when we do.

Just to expand a little on this tip: I ended up bringing a converter that has an input for a ground pin so that I can plug in my little netbook as opposed to the adapter/converter that only has the two pin input socket. And I also brought an extension chord (w/ the ground input pin) so that we can plug in more than one thing at a time.

Tip #2: Ziplock bags. I brought a few of them. Some of the larger size and some of the sandwich sized ziplock bag. But I've already used up all my spare bags. I've used it to organize all my cords. And I can think of other uses for them already and I've run out. :( I can use them to keep things from getting wet and use them to store wet clothes when packing. And I can organize even more with them if need be. Perhaps I can pick up some more later.

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